Did you know dental floss is the best way to prevent tooth decay and plaque build-up? In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of flossing and provide tips on getting the most out of dental floss. We’ll also discuss the different types of dental floss available on the market and recommend which type is the best for your needs. Finally, we’ll provide a quick dentist tip on correctly flossing your child’s teeth. Have fun, and dental health will be guaranteed!
Start with the back teeth.
Place dental floss between your child’s teeth and pull through the gaps in their tooth enamel, from front to back. Keep a tight grip on the floss, so it doesn’t get caught in their braces or gums. If the child has a pacifier, put it in their mouth while flossing so they don’t swallow the dental floss.
After completing the back teeth, move to the front teeth and do the same thing – from left to right. Be sure to use short strokes and a tight grip on dental floss, so it doesn’t get caught in your child’s braces or gums.
If your dentist recommends using interdental brushes instead of dental floss for oral care, ask about brushing techniques specific to children’s teeth.
Use a light touch
Contacting plaque and dental debris with too much force can remove healthy dentin (the hard layer next to tooth enamel) and cause damage to the root structures of teeth later in life. Be gentle while cleaning your child’s teeth, and use a light touch when flossing – this will help prevent dental damage. Some dental floss varieties have added lubricants that help remove debris and plaque more efficiently. If your child prefers using a light touch and the dental floss has no lubricant, rinse their mouth after using it to clean teeth.
At the dentist, we highly recommend dental floss as the best way to clean your child’s teeth – it’s gentle and effective. Remember to use a light touch while flossing and rinse your mouth after using dental floss to clean teeth – this will help prevent damage and ensure healthy oral care for your child.
Consult your dentist regularly.
Regular dental check-ups are the best way to ensure that your child’s teeth and gums stay healthy and free of dental plaque. A dentist can also recommend flossing strategies specific to your children’s age and oral health and provide dental care if needed. You should also schedule regular dental cleanings for your child.
In addition, discuss oral care with your child and ensure they understand the importance of brushing and flossing regularly. If your child is old enough to brush their teeth, have them practice on a spare tooth or toy first, so they get comfortable with the process.
Get creative
If you’re having trouble getting into the tight spaces between teeth, try using dental floss as a toothpick. Gently poke the floss into the crevices until you find an excellent spot to start pulling. After you’ve removed the plaque and debris, rinse your child’s mouth with water.
Take your time
A long string of dental floss is easier to work with than short pieces, and it’s less likely to get tangled up in braces or other oral appliances. If you need to break off a piece of dental floss, make sure it’s at least 6 inches (15 cm) long to put it back together later quickly.
If your child prefers using a light touch and the dental floss has no lubricant, simply rinse their mouth after using it to clean teeth. In addition, discussing oral care with your child and ensuring they understand the importance of brushing and flossing regularly will help them get the most out of dental care.
Floss twice a day
Even if you only floss one side of your teeth, it’s still important to do it daily. By flossing regularly, you’re reducing the risk of dental cavities and promoting oral health overall. Before dental care, brush your teeth and gums for two minutes using a soft toothbrush, then rinse your mouth with water. Finally, use dental floss to clean the inside of your cheeks, tongue, and other hard-to-reach areas.
If your child is sick, please postpone dental care. If you cannot get to the dentist promptly because of an emergency, please call our office, and we’ll work with you to find a replacement dentist to help your child. Make sure you contact our office to let us know when you will be able to reschedule dental care and what the alternative dentist’s information is.
At Bowcutt Dental, we understand the importance of dental care, and our team is dedicated to helping children develop good oral hygiene habits in Cedar Park and surrounding areas. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s dental care, please don’t hesitate to contact our office. We would be happy to help you out!